Careers with braXos

At braXos, we ask difficult questions, and we challenge ourselves to find the solutions.

 We’re a tight-knit, highly collaborative team that works closely with each other and with our customers of all sizes and locations. Our engineers have the opportunity to design, develop, and deploy our products because we’re all about seeing ideas through from inception to completion. While the work we do and the products we create speak for themselves, we make sure every one of our employees feels valued, supported, and motivated to be the best they can be in all aspects of their lives. Come work with us, and let’s evolve the way the world secures itself.

Why you should work with us.

We believe we owe our employees access to a useful and helpful benefits package. All of our employees have access to competitive salaries, health insurance (vision and dental included), a retirement plan with matching contributions, paid time off, bonuses, and professional development funds. We want our employees to feel empowered when they come to work, and that starts with proper compensation.

Flexibility is necessary in today’s world, and it’s especially necessary at braXos. We aim to create an adaptable and flexible working environment, one that accepts changes as they come and promotes a positive mindset when we must adjust. Our willingness to adapt improves our products, services, client relationships, and our day-to-days. 

braXos values flexibility because we’re a fully remote company, meaning our employees can work from wherever they desire. We also have very flexible working schedules to ensure our employees create healthy balances between their professional and personal lives.

At braXos, we want to learn something new every day, so we cultivate an atmosphere of personal and professional development. We encourage our engineers to learn new coding languages, experiment with different technologies, and sharpen their leadership and communication skills. Our one true requirement at braXos is a willingness to grow. 

In order to grow, we believe we need to challenge ourselves. So we provide our employees with opportunities to work with a wide variety of customers in different industries all around the world. Our partnerships with Fortune 500 companies along with local small businesses give all of us at braXos a wealth of knowledge and help us sharpen our skills.

Want to work with us? Here’s what’s open.